Alpinaraid 2022


Alpinaraid is a touristic and cultural raid, made to discover the French and Italian Alps. The goal is to prepare and decorate thirty-year-old Peugeot 205 for a road trip from Mont-Blanc to the Mediterranean sea. This 800-kilometers 6-day trip accross the mountains crosses around 25 famous mountain passes, and more than 25 000 meters of positive elevation are expected.

Here is a comprehensive view of the itinerary from the 2022 Alpinaraid edition, from the 3rd to the 8th of July. Below that, you can find the timeline of the days, with a summary and pictures for each day of our trip.

Itinerary of the trip

During the raid, we took a series of pictures with a film camera. You can see it completely on Léo K.’s website : Film photography - leokr

Raid timeline
